Sunday, July 15, 2007


This weekend has been an extremely sick one for me and my youngest son CJ. It started Friday morning at 3am when I felt rather sick and low and behold, I never finished that thought because I had to run for the bathroom (sorry for the graphics). Thinking that I may get some sympathy, I woke Jason up and had a complete conversation with him that went something along the lines of:

Me: Jay I'm sick, can you rub my back?
Jay: Yup ok... zzzzzzzz
Me: JAY !!! I'm sick, are you up?
Jay: What?! Yes I'm up. What's wrong?
Me: I'm sick can you please roll over and rub my back for a minute, I'm aching all over.
Jay: Yup... rolls over and then zzzzzz...

I just gave up.
So at 5:30 Saturday morning when CJ got up, I woke Jay up and asked him to get up with him so I could continue to sleep, to which I got a response of "Why should I let you sleep in?" This really annoyed me, so I explained the conversation that we had the night before, of which he did not remember a word of it. He did however, get up and take care of CJ until I got up around 8 to the smell of him cooking breakfast. While I appreciate the thought, I couldn't eat it, I could barely stand the smell of it, but I sat there while they ate. It was an very nice gesture and one that I was grateful for because I was not sure I would have been able to stand the smell of cooking the food.
I decided to get us out of the sickly house by taking a trip to Wal-mart. Jason got CJ out of the car and immediately says " I think we have a problem". That is never a goon sign. I walked around the car and Jason said, "feel his head and body" at which time were BURNING UP !! I mean you could have cooked an egg on this poor kids back. I'm curious as to why we didn't notice it before the house, but he gets in and out of the car by himself mostly, Jason noticed the heat when he went to put him in the cart.
Upon entering Wal-mart, I made a bee line for the pharmacy and purchased a thermometer, couldn't find the one at home so I decided to get another, wouldn't you know it, i found the other one when we got home- Murphy's Law is a wonderful thing. I took CJ's temp... 103.8- just a tad high for my liking... checked out, came home, laid him on the couch to get some medicine and by the time I got back from the bathroom he was out cold on the couch.
I woke him up and got meds into him and then he passed back out and remained that way for 3 hours. On a funny note he fell off the couch, (that really shouldn't be funny, but...) and never woke up... I picked him back up and put him back on the couch, and he didn't wake up.
He stayed on the couch for the rest of the day, now in many situations you would view this as the opportunity to get some light house work done- no this was not the case since I was on the adjoining couch just as miserable as he was.
Then the loveliness of night time was upon us. While he started out in his bed, he was soon in our room repeatedly, and then got sick all over my kitchen floor on a trip to the potty. Not good. So again I had the chore of waking up Jason to sit with CJ while I cleaned up the mess. CJ would not go back to bed, so him and I sacked out on the floor in my air conditioned room. My thought process was that it was cool and mixing that with the cool cloth on his head it just may bring his temperature down. Luckily it did, but not until a restless night on the floor with a child that just didn't want to lay still. I was also reminded of the fact that while I am not elderly, I am not however as young as I once was. I could barely move from sleeping on the floor. When I was a child that was such a treat, now I can't imagine why children enjoy it. Oh well... another lesson learned.
I myself am feeling much better, but CJ is still running a fever, much lower than he was, but whiny, tired and just plain sick still. Hopefully tonight will be a much nice, sleep in bed kind of night.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

13 Fun Facts About Butterflies

1.) Butterflies are cold-blooded and will not fly if the temperature is below 50 degrees.

2.) You WILL NOT hurt a butterfly if you touch it, although you might rub off some of the color of its wings which are actually miniature scales.

3.) There are some species of butterflies that actually prefer feeding on rotting fruit and animal dung.

4.) Butterflies excrete a red liquid which is sometimes mistaken for blood when in reality it is actually meconium, "pupal fluid" which isn't blood at all. It is made up of waste material that is produced during the pupal stage.

5.)Butterflies "taste" with their feet! Butterfly feet are actually tiny receptors which allow them to "taste" the food that they are standing on.

6.) Male Swallowtales gather around mud puddles to sip the nutrients from the mud.

7.) Have you ever seen a tiny white butterfly fluttering about your vegetable garden? Chances are it is an adult cabbage white butterfly depositing eggs on your cabbage or vegetables in the cabbage family. The caterpillar of the cabbage white is velvety and just the right shade of green to blend in perfectly with the cabbage leaves

8.) Once a bird has eaten a monarch it is definately a reminder NOT to eat another one, for the milkweed that the monarch eats as a caterpillar has a toxic effect when the butterfly is ingested.

9.) Female butterflies usually are bigger and live longer than male butterflies. (You GO GIRLS)

10.)Butterflies are related to crabs and lobsters! Why? Because like those sea creatures, butterflies have skeletons on the outside of their bodies. They’re arthropods: insects,
crustaceans, millipedes, centipedes and arachnids.

11.) Butterflies weigh only as much as two rose petals, but can fly thousands of miles. (How many of us would LOVE to weigh as much as two rose petals?)

12.) Most butterflies can see ultraviolet, a color that is invisible to human eyes.

13.) Most butterflies prefer flowers that are pink, red, purple or yellow and that are open all day.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Britains Got Talent - A Star Is Born

Wordless Wendesday-

This guy is (or should I say WAS) a cellphone salesman.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

As I have recently been told by a fellow blogger, I don't keep up with it. Alas I must agree. So here is my attempt to make her proud and update my blog, at least for this week. When I started this blog I thought I would be on it every day- I'm lucky if I get time enough in the day to sit and eat dinner, let alone take a few minutes to blog. I know, I know... just full of excuses. I will attempt to be better at this. At least a weekly post.

Sunday started out as a lazy day, but then company arrived in the late afternoon. We decided that today would be Show down Sunday with a friendly game of wiffle ball. Notice in the pictures there is not one of me... this is a strategic move. As long as I have a camera in my hands I don't have to be involved in the actual game. :) I LOVE watching sports, never been much of one to get involved.

Here is my future baseball money maker (Ok I would be happy with a sports scholarship) CJ up to bat... what you don't see is daddy "the pitcher" standing behind me ready to throw the ball. I was in fear for my face and camera, but dared to get close enough just long enough to get this really cute picture of CJ. For 3 he does really well hitting the ball. Does even better throwing it.
This was a much safer shot of the future baseball star.

Here is daddy getting some much needed pitching advice from the "experienced" player.

Big Brother Nathan came out to join the game after he saw how much fun we were having. Even after it started raining.For those of you who know my living situation, this is one of the many "borders" in the Home for the Homeless. Uncle Pat. He's the biggest kid of them all.

There are more pics but too many to post.

Here is the sentimental part of my post.
One thing that I realized today is that I don't spend nearly enough time with the kids, family or any of the "homeless" that live in my house nor do I take enough pictures to capture these moments. It was a rather humbling experience today to watch them all together and get to capture those moments for my collection of photos, that over the years has slowly stopped growing. Why?? Because I've been too busy to stop and watch life happen. Now I get to share these moments that I had today with you. I'm hoping that I take the time to enjoy and share more of these moments.